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Marie Annie Campbell

Marie Annie Campbell

CAMPBELL, Marie Annie (Nov. 4, 1923-Oct. 28, 2022) – Marie was one of the most wonderful human beings to have ever walked the face of this earth. She was taken from us suddenly and far too soon, just 6 days before her 99th birthday. Marie’s ability to laugh while others were laughing, whether she knew what they were laughing about or not, was such a wonderful trait, and one which will no doubt continue to be enjoyed by others now occupying their time with Marie’s presence in heaven. Marie is survived by her daughter, Barbara Kabloona of Nunavut (Tom), her sons, Thomas Campbell of Arizona (Trish), Reginald Campbell of Fraserwood, MB (Cindy), Dwight Campbell of Victoria, BC and Colin Campbell of Winnipeg, MB (Diane), and her many, much-loved grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her extra-special friends, Brian Lesstrange, Sharon Kobe and Daniel Cook (all of Victoria, BC). A special mention also goes out to Kevin at the Gorge & Tillicum Subway for helping to improve the last year of Marie’s life. We all miss the laughter of our mother, grandmother, friend and special angel.

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  • Jamie Brian Campbell -

    Grandma I miss you so much! You were always there I though you would live 100 more years you were always so full of life. I am so happy to have felt your warmth the smell in your home always made me feel so safe and comfortable you had a way of easing all those with you and around you. I have never known such a spirit and kind love for so many. Than so much for being such a loving human being I will treasure you for the rest of my life.

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