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Norman Edward Kennedy

Norman Edward Kennedy

KENNEDY, Norman Edward
Born March 1932 Vancouver BC
Passed Away April 22 2022 Victoria BC

Norman passed away in Victoria after a long illness. Norman leaves behind his wife of 60 years, Marie Kennedy (nee Taylor)

Norman served in the Canadian Navy for 30 years, his last rank was Master Warrant Officer. After serving in the navy he retired to enjoy his time spent with Marie.

Norman was predeceased by their son Edward Norman Kennedy who passed away in 1969.

Norman was also predeceased by his parents Edward and Mary Kennedy (nee Sigalet) and his brother William John Kennedy.

Norman’s ashes will be sent to Esquimalt and committed to the sea on the deployment of a Naval Ship.

In keeping with Norman’s wishes there will be no formal service.

One Condolence - Leave a comment
  • Leslie Quilter -

    I served on a destroyer with Norm back in the sixties and now I find another shipmate has crossed the bar. I suppose we who are left are lucky since we are over ninety, but I an saddened to note that the ranks of shipmates past are slowly fading away.
    Sail toward the sunset, sailor!
    My condolences to Marie who may remember me as a friend of Joan and Merv B.
    Les and Kathleen Quilter

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